Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a strategic focus at Hurricane. We strive day after day to improve ourselves for the good of our employees and for our company to have a more positive impact on the planet.
We have been working for two years on the integration of a so-called “CSR” approach within our company. Supported by the consulting company SANAE, we are gradually entering into a new vision of our development to create a real policy of social responsibility.
We are aware that the road is long to become a socially responsible and ethical company. We do not consider ourselves to be beyond reproach, but we have set ourselves the objective of always doing better in order to protect the environment and aim for the continuous improvement of our activities.
Without greenwashing, we are proud to be able to highlight the responsibility initiatives that we have already implemented and to present to you the objectives that we have set for the coming years.
We are committed to setting up, within our organization, several systems that integrate environmental, social and economic commitment.
After a first stage of support, which is still in progress, we are working to integrate the issues associated with CSR into all management and our employees.
A Steering Committee meets quarterly to:
- reflect and develop the approach;
- take stock of the progress points;
- and develop new concrete actions.
The signing of the Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN Member States defined the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A universal repository commensurate with the importance of the challenges facing our planet, in order to:
- fight effectively against global warming;
- fight against poverty and build a world that is both more sustainable and more inclusive by 2030.
Like States and citizens, businesses are invited to participate in keeping this agenda for change.
We have therefore confirmed our CSR commitments by signing the Charter and identifying the SDGs on which we can have the greatest impact. We have correlated them with our raison d’être and our strategic plan to facilitate the readability of our actions and our contribution.
Signing of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Charter for Climate Action
In partnership with the UCI to participate in the development of BMX Freestyle, Hurricane supports its employees and signs its partner’s Charter in favor of reducing the impact of its activities.
A CSR policy revised every year
Built on the basis of our commitments such as the SDGs, our CSR policy is the guideline of our actions allowing us to be a player in sustainability by putting people and the environment at the heart of our responsibilities. In the spirit of a progress approach, we are revising our policy according to the progress made and the new action plan.
A new Responsible Purchasing Policy
Faced with the questioning of current consumption patterns, with a weakened economic, social and environmental context, we must become aware of the impact of our business activity and take stock of it. As part of the general principles of our CSR Policy, the implementation of a Responsible Purchasing Policy seems essential and allows us to act on the market while protecting the environment.